The smallest, comprehensive multi-parameter patient simulator on the market. Includes ECG, Respiration, Arrhythmia, 4-IBP, YSI 400/700 Temperature, and Cardiac Output. Its patented power circuitry provides amazing battery life up to 10 years without charging or changing batteries! One button operation reduces the time for setup and completing testing. View the product manual on our User Manuals page.
SL-8 SimSlim® Multi-Parameter Patient Simulator Features:
- 12-lead ECG:
- 8 Selectable Heart Rates: 30, 60, 90, 120, 140, 160, 200, 240 bpm
- 10 Selectable Arrhythmias: NSR w/ PVCs, VTACH, VFIB, Asys, Bigeminy, Pacer, Trigeminy, ST+, 2nd Deg. Block, Square Wave
- 8 Banana Plug Interface: 4 mm & 1/8-in (3.2 mm) banana plug grooves for easy connect to 12-lead EKG
- Respiration:
- 8 Selectable Rates: 15, 30, 45, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120 bpm
- 4 IBP Channels:
- 8 Dynamic: 120/80, 60/30, 30/10, 20/10, 125/15, 60/5, 8/2, 4/1 mmHg
- 7 Static: 0, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 mmHg
- Cardiac Output Simulation:
- 3, 5 and 7 l/m. No adapter cable required.
- 5 l/m @ 2°C Temperature Injectate (Ti) simulation. Ti simulator available.
- YSI 700 and 400 Temp Simulations:
- 25, 37, and 40 degrees Celsius
- Battery Life:
- Total life depends on usage: 5-10 years, all day, every day. No charging or changing required.
- (1) SL-8 SimSlim Simulator
- (1) IBP extension cable, 6ft.
- (1) Temperature adapter cable
- (1) Certificate of Calibration
Package Contents:
*IMPORTANT: (1) IBP adapter will be included as part of the package, provided that the IBP adapter model has been selected on the purchase order. If the IBP adapter model has not been selected on the P.O., then it will not be included.
Optional Accessories: Additional IBP Adapters, Cardiac Output Cables, Injectate Simulators
Click on the titles below to view or download:
>> SL-8 SimSlim Multi-Parameter Patient Simulator Features
>> SL-8 SimSlim Multi-Parameter Patient Simulator Specifications
>> For the SL-8 SimSlim Multi-Parameter Patient Simulator Quick Start Guide, click to go to Quick Start Guides
>> For the SL-8 SimSlim Multi-Parameter Patient Simulator Operator’s Manual, click to go to User Manuals
Services for available for the SL-8 SimSlim® Multi-Parameter Patient Simulator:
Calibration Service OxSim® SL-8 SimSlim® Multi-Parameter Patient Simulator | Full checkout and calibration incl. certification |
A New Advancement in Multi-Parameter Simulator Design
“Tools of the Trade: New Advancements in Multi-Parameter Simulator Design” appeared in TechNation Magazine
We use the SimSlim (SL-8 Multi-Parameter Patient Simulator) almost every day from ICU to Cardiology, ER, and NICU — really, all over the hospital! Its compact size is very easy to take everywhere!
– Bruce Painton, St. Mary Medical Center, Long Beach, CA
I’ve used many simulators in my 12 years of being a BMET. The SimSlim (SL-8) is a great multi-parameter simulator. It’s amazing — so many functions in a small device, yet it is extremely accurate. Possibly best of all is the battery life! No more changing 9-volt batteries constantly.
– Casey Huffman, CBET, Site Manager, Verdugo Hills Hospital, Glendale, CA